Scholarships Available for Scholarly Communications Conference

Scholarships for graduate students, postdocs, and early career scholars are available for the Advancing Research and Collaboration Conference in Philadelphia this month. Scholarships cover conference fees and accommodation. For more information and to apply, see the conference website.

From the conference organizers:

By engaging diverse communities of scholarship and practice, ARCS will offer a unique and dynamic forum for examining the scholarly communication network, building collaborations, and affecting change. The conference will explore what is and what can be, and the values, economics, technology, and roles that influence knowledge sharing and innovation. Conference content will be organized into three broad themes:

Develop: The process of formulating, developing, and examining new ideas.

Endorse: The existing and emerging systems and metrics through which research is evaluated and recommended.

Share: The modes, models, and standards related to the dissemination of research and scholarship.


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