Member Report October 2016

Congratulations to members Sam Doku, Kristy Beers Fägersten, Phyllis Lassner, Carl Peters, James Ragan, David Rose, Ben Stoltzfus, and Richard Watts, all of whom had good news to share this month.

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Samuel O. Doku published Cosmopolitanism in the Fictive Imagination of W.E.B. Du Bois (Lexington Books).

Kristy Beers Fägersten recently published an edited volume, Watching TV with a Linguist (Syracuse UP).

Phyllis Lassner published Espionage and Exile: Fascism and Antifascism in British Spy Fiction and Film (Edinburgh UP).

Carl Peters published a book-length annotated study of Gertrude Stein’s Tender ButtonsStudies in Description: Reading Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons (Talonbooks).

James Ragan is the subject of the award-winning Arina Films documentary “Flowers and Roots: An Ambassador of the Arts,” based on his life as a poet, playwright, and screenwriter. The film will be broadcast on PBS.

David Rose co-edited a volume, Family and Kinship in the United States (Peter Lang).

Ben Stoltzfus published Romoland: a pictonovel in collaboration with the artist Judith Palmer (Knut House Press).

Richard Watts was awarded funding to support “City/Nature: Urban Environmental Humanities,” an NEH Summer Institute for college and university teachers in 2017.

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