Member Report June 2016

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Jeremy Ekberg published a monograph, The Myth of Identity in Modern Drama (Cambridge Scholars).

Consuelo Hernández published Mi reino sin orillas, a poetry collection in Spanish (Editorial Torremozas). The book features an introduction by the Chilean poet Astrid Fugellie and a comment by Edith Grossman.

Christina Kennison published “Students’ Writing Can Be Better: Encouragement and Time To Pursue Self Leads to Engagement and Better Writing, Resulting in Possible Increased Writing Levels Nationally” in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Literacy Innovation.

John Lowe’s Calypso Magnolia:  The Crosscurrents ofstyle=”padding-right: 10px;Caribbean and Southern Literature was recently published by UNC Press.

Brinda Mehta’s book, Dissident Writings of Arab Women: Voices Against Violence, (Routledge, 2014) won the African Literature Association’s 2016 Book of the Year Award for Outstanding Scholarship in African literary studies.
Joseph Millichap’s book, The Language of Vision: Photography and Southern Literature in the 1930s and After, was published in April (LSU Press).

RoseAnna Mueller has been awarded a Teaching/Research Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant, her second, beginning January 2017. She will teach at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, and work in collaboration with a professor at Bogota’s Universidad Nacional.

Steven Schroeder published a collection of poetry titled the moon, not the finger, pointing and a collection of essays titled What’s Love Got To Do With It? a city out of thin airHis collaboration with Jonas Zdanys, Red Stones, was published in March (all Lamar University Literary Press).

Gregory Tague recently published two books, Evolution and Human Culture: Texts and Contexts (Brill) and Art and Adaptation: A Primer from Notes (Bibliotekos).

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