February 2015

Digital Innovation and Scholarship in the Social Sciences and Humanities Symposium


East Carolina University is hosting a Digital Innovation and Scholarship in the Social Sciences and Humanities Symposium in Greenville, NC, March 18th, 2015. Speakers below, guests welcome, 5-7-minute lightning-round presentations are currently being solicited at our website. Both graduate students and faculty welcome. More information. ECU’s J. Y. Joyner Library…

The Common Core Has Not Killed Literature


Contrary to what some skeptics argue, the new standards don’t suck an appreciation for traditional wisdom out of English class. Thus asserts Meaghan Freeman, a middle- and high-school English teacher at Willsboro Central School in upstate New York, in The Atlantic.

Turning novels’ plots into data points


It’s easy to mock what have emerged as the digital humanities, because they seem to partake of a lust for data, of data for data’s sake, that feels at the moment like an unseemly trend. But anyone who asks what use these charts could possibly have, what “practical value,” has…

Andean Modernismos #MLA16


This session invites papers that reconceptualize, reimagine, or theorize Modernismos in Andean countries. Papers on all genres and neglected aspects of Andean Modernismos are welcome. Send a 300-word abstract and a one-page C.V. to Juan G. Ramos by March 12, 2015.