
Emotions in Ink #MLA16


Sentiment, affection, passion, feelings… emotions: in literature, philosophy, religion, the arts, medicine. How were emotions rendered public through writings? How were displays of public emotions portrayed? Are emotions and writings about them gendered? We welcome papers that address these questions and others exploring the role of writings on emotions in the Italian…

LLC Occitan Forum #MLA16


Who had/has access to the Troubadours? What troubadour works rethink public life? What happens to Occitan works when they travel? This panel seeks to explore Occitan works in the wider world and the wider world as fashioned by the Troubadours, considering notions such as open secrets and private publics. Proposals:…

Conjuring Multi-Ethnic Futures #MLA16


Session type:     Special Session Title of session:     Conjuring Multi-Ethnic Futures Submission requirements:     Abstract of about 250 words. Deadline for submissions:     20 March 2015 Description:     Utopia? How should nations want their human societies to look in 150 years? Color, gender, heritage differences, sure. Religious too? Visual…

The Politics of Public Celebrations #MLA16


This session would call for an exploration of the uses to which festive culture lent itself in 17th, 18th and 19th-century Italy. Lavish public celebrations were often meant to project the power of local rulers to the general public and served to underline or enforce ideas of universal order and…

Word Books and Material Culture #MLA16


ABCs, dictionaries, spellers, synonymies, thesauruses: what is the life of a word book? What stories do word books tell? Please submit 250 word abstracts by 15 March 2015; Meredith Martin (

Illustration, Comics, and Animation Conference


May 8-10, 2015, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH *What is the future of illustration studies? *What can comics scholars learn from animation studies and vice versa? *Do illustrated books or graphic novels resist the supposed obsolescence of the book? *What do pictures want (now)? These and related questions will be explored…

Teaching Memory Studies #MLA16


Integrating studies of memory and literature: e.g. memory as metaphor, personal or collective practice, neuroscience, narrative hindsight, cinematic flashback. 250 word abstract by March 15 to Martha Rust ( and Suzanne England (

Critical Grounds: The South and Sustainability #MLA16


The organizers invite proposals for papers on cultural representations that make it possible for sustainability studies and southern studies to meet on productive critical grounds. How does culture define relations between the U.S. South and the global imperative of sustainability? How might depictions of southern agricultural practices, industrial processes, and…