Beyond the Professoriate: A Virtual Conference for PhDs in Career Transition

Beyond the Professoriate: A Virtual Conference for PhDs in Career Transition

Hosted by Maren Wood (Lilli Research Group) and Jennifer Polk (From PhD to Life)
May 2 and 9, 2015
Attend one day: US $25
Attend two days: US $39
Register at:
Career Day (May 2, 2015)

11:00 A.M. – 12:20 P.M. (EDT): Higher Education
Yanoula Athanassakis, PhD Special Assistant to the Deputy Provost, Office of the Provost, New York University
Julia Brookins, PhD Special Projects Coordinator, American Historical Association
Kristy Lamb, PhD STEM Career Advisor, St. John’s University
Joe Frank, PhD Human Resources Consultant, Office of Human Resources, School of Medicine, Washington University in Saint Louis
Jane Fiegen Green, PhD Marketing and Public Relations Manager, American Historical Association

12:30 P.M. – 1:50 P.M. (EDT): Small Business/Industry
Ada Barlatt, PhD Founder, Decision Coach and Life Engineer, Sumptu
Melanie Nelson, PhD President, MRN Consulting
Rachel Bennett, PhD Director, Marketing, Mitacs
Sal Zerilli, PhD VP, Social Science Practice and Co-Lead, Innovation Team at in-sync, Publicis Healthcare Communication Group
Elizabeth Keenan, PhD Real Estate Agent

2:00 P.M – 3:20 P.M. (EDT): Writing/Teaching/Editing
Anna Marie Trester, PhD Associate and Assistant to the Director of Learning, FrameWorks Institute
Rachel Bundang, PhD Religious Studies Faculty, Convent of the Sacred Heart High School
Rebecca Schuman, PhD Columnist, Slate and Chronicle Vitae; Author; and Dissertation Coach, The Dissertation Coach
Amanda Sewell, PhD Academic Editor, In the Write
Dominique Morneau, PhD Assistant Editor, Genome Biology, BioMed Central

3:30 P.M. – 4:50 P.M (EDT): Non-Profit/Government
Chris Eppig, PhD Director of Programming, Chicago Council on Science and Technology
Katharine Bullard, PhD Project Organizer in Higher Education, Service Employee International Union
Alison Ewart, PhD Director, Accelerate and Elevate Programs, Mitacs
Nicholas Dion, PhD Senior Coordinator, Research and Programs, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Andrew Miller, PhD Strategic Leader, City of Mississauga

Professional Development Day (May 9, 2015)

11:00 AM – 12:00 P.M. (EDT): Reverse Engineer Your Job Search
Catherine Maybrey, PhD Graduate Career Strategist, School of Graduate Studies, McMaster University & Owner CM Coaching Services

12:15 P.M. – 1:15 P.M (EDT): Identify Your Transferable Skills
Margy Thomas Horton, PhD Writing Consultant & Editor, ScholarShape

1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. (EDT): Writing a Combination Resume
Maren Wood, PhD Founder and Lead Researcher, Lilli Research Group

2:45 P.M. – 3:45 P.M (EDT): Going In Confident: Keys to a Successful Interview
Heidi Scott Guisto, PhD, Career Path Writing Solutions, LLC

4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M (EDT): Going Out on Your Own: Starting a Small Business
Martin Leppitsch, MBA SCORE Small Business Mentor

5:15 P.M. – 6:15 P.M. (EDT): The Power of Networking
Tracy Shroyer, PhD, MBA Founder & Coach, Beyond the Stone Wall; Account Manager, Financial Services Industry

Jennifer Polk, PhD

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