Samuel O. Doku published Cosmopolitanism in the Fictive Imagination of W.E.B. Du Bois (Lexington Books).
Kristy Beers Fägersten recently published an edited volume, Watching TV with a Linguist (Syracuse UP).
Phyllis Lassner published Espionage and Exile: Fascism and Antifascism in British Spy Fiction and Film (Edinburgh UP).
Carl Peters published a book-length annotated study of Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons, Studies in Description: Reading Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons (Talonbooks).
James Ragan is the subject of the award-winning Arina Films documentary “Flowers and Roots: An Ambassador of the Arts,” based on his life as a poet, playwright, and screenwriter. The film will be broadcast on PBS.
David Rose co-edited a volume, Family and Kinship in the United States (Peter Lang).
Ben Stoltzfus published Romoland: a pictonovel in collaboration with the artist Judith Palmer (Knut House Press). Richard Watts was awarded funding to support “City/Nature: Urban Environmental Humanities,” an NEH Summer Institute for college and university teachers in 2017.